Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dipping my toes in the water...

Well, after over a year of deliberation and digging my heels, I've finally given in to my desire to start my own blog.  I'm not quite sure who would be interested in reading my rants and raves or mindless banter, but I'm putting myself out there to at least create a space to try and chronicle how fast Sean is growing, the updates to our new house we bought in late August, recipes I use to make all of Sean's food, my feelings on how misunderstood pitbulls really are, and all the "stuff" that happens in between.

So, I figured it only appropriate that I start with a picture of one of the projects we managed to accomplish on break so far.  After moving to our dream house in late August, we finally had enough room to build a playroom to house Sean's multitude of toys.  After a few short months of work and Nana J's help painting, we finally put the finishing touch on last night.  A wire wall hanging where we can clip all of Sean's artwork he makes at daycare from IKEA.  It only took one month of bugging Scott to hang it up for me.  Thank God for holiday vacation and Scott tiring of me nagging him!

Wordless Wednesdays