We left last Wednesday evening after the boys' music lessons for our last up north trip this summer to Nana and Pops' lake house in Gladwin. It's an annual tradition to head up for the big Ogemaw County Fair (the best fair I've been to). Sydney and AJ came up earlier in the afternoon with Nana and Pops and the Riashi's would be coming Friday evening.
We had a very smooth ride driving up and caught a beautiful sunset off M-30 driving in to Gladwin while blasting "Buy me a boat" by Chris Jansen. It was dark when we got to the cottage. We let the kids all run around and have fun for a bit before putting them to bed so we could play cards. Pops and I were the big winners with our one game we got in.
Thursday we got up and hung out for a while. I went for a run on my favorite route hoping to see deer, but didn't see any. The kids played in the lake and then it was time to pack bag lunches and head to the fair.
The carnival rides opened at noon and it wasn't crowded at all! Most rides didn't have a wait. The big hits this year were the bumper cars, Pharaoh's Fury (all the kids but Sydney rode), and the Ferris wheel.
We ate lunch in the shade since it was so hot. The kids had their bag lunches and the adults bought some things from food trucks. The Mexican food was awesome! After lunch we walked through all the animal stalls to see the winning animals. We found a pig who looked like Luna while laying down! We rode some more rides, got funnel cakes, pretzels, sno-cones, and slushies, and enjoyed our time at the fair before heading back to the house.
Back at the house we all cooled off in the lake. We had pizza from The Hearth, salad, and fruit for dinner. We let the kids watch Vivo on Netflix so the adults could play cards early and get to bed early. Everyone was pretty tired! Pops and I were the champions of Euchre for the weekend!

Friday we dedicated as a day to be lazy and enjoy the lake. It was another hot day. The kids played in the sand, rode jet-skis with Scott, tried water-skiing without much success, went diving and swimming, and enjoyed a picnic lunch.
We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner, with pasta salad, corn, fruit, and french fries. The Riashi's arrived in time for dinner. After dinner we did a boat ride to go fishing. Two fishing poles and six kids fishing and we only caught one fish - a pike! We got back to the house and had a fire with s'mores, the kids ran around, and the adults played....Euchre! Courtney and I were not as lucky with cards and lost to Scott and Nana.
Saturday morning we all got ready to head over to the fly-in breakfast. Scott and I packed our bags so we could hit the road after the breakfast. There was a good turn-out at the breakfast and a long line to get our food, but it was fun. They hired some pancake flipping company that flipped your pancakes right to your plate and you had to catch them. The kids had fun with that. They all put their raffle tickets in various baskets in the hopes of winning and we went to check out the planes.
Evan ended up winning a basket he put a ticket in for stuffed animal cats (5!) and a book. Sean won a basket with "plane" themed toys. And Sean put a ticket in to win a basil pot, sage, 2 books on gardening and garden gloves for me and he won! How sweet is that?! I feel like we walked away with a truck full of stuff.

We had a great time, but it was time to head home. We needed to do laundry and re-pack for an overnight at Kalahari to celebrate Evan's birthday.