12 Months Old
21 lbs. 4 oz.
The day finally arrived! Evan is officially a toddler now. I put off writing this post for a week exactly. Partly because we've been so busy with being back at school and adjusting to working full-time with two kids syndrome. Partly because this boy is such a busy body that there's no time left for these frivalous things like blogging. He leaves me so exhausted by 8pm that I have to force myself to get off the couch and do things like pay bills, lesson plan, and yes, blog. But, man, the few times a day he slows down for a minute or two to snuggle and hug are like nothing else. This boy can love.
He's walking everywhere now. He's finally come to the realization that walking is just as efficient as crawling. It also helps that he can stand up on his own with no support. He's obsessed with exploring cupboards, dishwashers, dog bowls, bathrooms, wine cabinets, and showers. Hence, the keeping us on our toes paragraph above. But, it's fun. It's fun to watch him learn about everything around him. And it's been fun getting out all the cute shoes like in some of the pictures below.
He's an eating and sleeping machine! He's showing no signs of being ready to drop down to one nap, so he'll be in the infant room for at least another month or two. He's also showing no signs of being interested in taking his formula in a sippy cup. He loves water in the sippy cups, but formula is for bottles, yo! We tried whole milk a few weeks ago and found out quickly that he hasn't outgrown his milk protein intolerance. Don't be fooled that he can eat cheese and yogurt with no reaction (that we can see at least)! Milk is not for Evan. A week straight of projectile vomiting once a day and you can bet your bottom dollar we'll be stearing clear of whole milk for a while with him. Our pediatrician's recommendation: lactose free milk. No thanks. We'll be back this week to push for rice milk, coconut milk, or soy milk. In the meantime, we're still on bottles and formula four times a day.
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My favorite shoes from Sean |
Another notable thins this month: Evan said his first word aside from mama and dada. His next word of choice is "dog". Ahhdorable. However, every animal right now is "dog". It's a work in progress...
My favorite addition this month has been listening to him laugh. Everything is hilarious to him. He thinks he's pretty funny too. From pretending that the swing hits me each time he swings towards me outside to him hiding around a corner and waiting for us to chase him, everything makes him laugh. Having a bad day? Just come on over to our house and Evan will cheer you up instantly with his infectious laugh. I remember Sean at this age thinking that throwing a ball to Nana and Pops' dog, Dixie, was a real knee slapper. It must be the age. I hope this phase sticks around longer than others...
Like the phase where he hates getting dressed, getting lotion put on, getting sunscreen, getting his face wiped after meals, or getting his diaper changed.
Or the phase where he gets mad at his brother for taking his toy away and actually can get up and do something about it now. I have a feeling this one is going to be here for a long time...
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Please note his adorable Haviana sandals |
- Size 3 diaper and still holding true to this size
- 12 month clothes, some 12-18 month stuff as we move into fall clothes (oh, who am I kidding? It's going to be 94 degrees tomorrow)
- 25 ounces of milk a day - piggy!
- New favorite foods include funnel cake, cider mill donuts, and some healthy things like pumpkin blends and asparagus
- Sleeping through the night on most nights (when he gets his two precious naps and the stars align)
- 6 teeth! And they're all spaced far apart and coming in crooked. Need I say braces?
- Still 2 naps and bedtime around 7:30-8pm
- His new xylophone!
- Pushing things around that aren't meant to be pushed around (laundry baskets, chairs, etc.)
- Trying to grab the dog's tail
- Watching bits of Bubble Guppies when Sean watches it
- Coloring with a crayon (mostly eating it)
- Reading books and pointing to things
- Dogs and pictures of dogs
- Playing hide and seek!
- Going down the slide face first (this is completely chaperoned)
- Throwing balls
- Giving "squeezes" (hugs)!
- Facetime on the phone with Grandma and Grandpa or Uncle Eric and Aunt Ana
Happy first birthday, Evan! We love you now and always!
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