Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Reflecting on Mother's Day

It was sort of a coincidence that teacher appreciation day and Mother's day happened in the same week.

One full week where I can be recognized for the work that I put in at my 9-5 (technically, my 7-4) and for the work that I put in at home.  But, let's be honest.  People don't become teachers for the recognition or appreciation from students, administration, and the community.  Nor do we become mothers to be given flowers, jewelry, or dinners out on one particular day of the year.

Be that as it may, it's not easy to not build up certain expectations.

By Friday, I was feeling a little disappointed.  Out of 156 current students and hundreds of former students that still walk the halls at Thurston, I had one lone student hand me a card giving me "thanks".  Some generic thing she printed off the internet that she signed her name at the bottom for each of her teachers.  I should be grateful, right?

As usual, it took the disappointment to remind me that the real appreciation wasn't something that I could put on my desk.  It was there in all the hugs I received at Prom that evening as I chaperoned the junior/senior Prom at the Ford Convention Center.  It was a student saying to me this afternoon, "You could win teacher of the year award.  I love the way you write your notes.  I just get you."  It's my favorite "groupies" who choose to hang out with me after school instead of going home or hanging out with friends.

Lord knows I don't need the chocolates.  Flowers will die.  Even the cards will be tossed in the garbage eventually.  But, it's the hugs and kind words that we strive for as teachers.  For those feelings will last a lifetime.  And for that, I'm forever grateful.  For, that's the true reason most of us chose to be a teacher.

And as Sunday rolled around for Mother's Day, my family didn't disappoint.  There were no expensive gifts or flashy jewelry.

Scott asked Sean, "What would you like to give or make mommy that would make her so happy?"

His response:  "It makes mommy sooo happy when I write my name.  I want to write my name for her."

So, I was showered with a bouquet of flowers that Sean picked out and cards that the boys drew themselves.  A 90 minute massage to help with my recent back pain.  And a dinner with a lot of my relatives that I haven't seen since Christmas.

And it was exactly what I needed.  They get me.

I have nothing left to show of this day (well, except for Sean's name written out that I'll probably keep in his memory box to give him when he's 30 like my parents have done for me) other than the way I felt when my family showered me with love and appreciation.  That's good enough for me.

So, without further ado:

Happy Teacher's Appreciation week to my fellow teachers who pour their heart and soul into a job that doesn't always return the favor.

Happy Mother's Day to my mother, my mother-in-law, my grandma, my relatives, and all my mommy friends!  It's truly the hardest job out there, but the most rewarding and one I wouldn't trade for the world.

For I am somebody's granddaughter.  And I am somebody's daughter.  But, most importantly, I am the world to little boys named Sean and Evan.  I am their world.

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