It was one of those perfect fall evenings. Well, almost perfect considering we have a toddler and preschooler living under the roof.
See what I mean? |
I had a batch of
Witches Brew going in the crock pot, a pumpkin scented candle glowing in the living room, a chicken and rice casserole in the oven, and two content boys enjoying a warm, sunny afternoon outside after nap. So, I thought I would see if I could gather up enough leaves in our backyard to create a pile big enough for two boys to jump in. Twenty minutes later, we were in luck.
So serious... |
Of course once there's a pile of leaves big enough for jumping in, there's a pile of leaves big enough to be worthy of a bonfire after dinner. So, we gathered around and pushed our luck with bedtime a mere twenty minutes away. We made s'mores (probably for the last time this season) and sat around the fire for a while.
It was a perfect way to end our weekend. We've been so busy and so on-the-go on our weekends since the school year started. It was much appreciated by the entire family to partake in some fall activities and enjoy the fresh air. After all, it's my favorite season and it's going by way too fast!
Seriously. How is it already mid-October? Time to enjoy our indian summer weather for all it's worth and take advantage of every opportunity to play outside. Happy fall, y'all!
Why take a bite of the whole thing when I can eat all the gooey marshmallow first, then the chocolate... |
Even Bailey gets a s'more. Minus the chocolate, of course. |
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