Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A labor of love

Two years ago, I started phase one of transitioning out all things "baby" from our house.  By then, Evan was 6 months old and he had grown out of his swing, his rock n' play, his newborn clothes, his bumbo, etc.  We were so confident we were done having children.  Scott was content with two boys and I was certain I couldn't go through another pregnancy, delivery, or newborn phase.  I remember saying things like, "I'm so done, I need a new word for done" as friends would ask if we would try for a girl.  I was never more sure of anything.

As I prepared for my first Mom2Mom sale and gathered clothes and accessories around the house, I packed up a bag full of receiving blankets.  Evan no longer needed to be swaddled and outgrew the tiny receiving blanket size.  Knowing I'd get next to nothing for them at a sale, I gave the bag to my mom and asked her to make something for me out of them as a keepsake.

Time went by.  Life continued to be busy.  The boys grew and grew.  And I never once wavered from our decision to be done expanding our family.  In fact, the more time passed, the more I appreciated "having my old self back".  I lost 36 lbs over the summer and early fall on Weight Watchers.  I started going to a fitness class.  I made time to go out with friends and made new friends at work and through daycare.  I've been blessed.  I've had a glimpse at what life can be like when your family is complete and you're no longer caring for a baby.

Feeling more like "me".

With a transition in my mom's job, she had some down time and got around to making a stunning quilt out of the receiving blankets.  Many phone conversations and pin shares on Pinterest took place before she decided on making a rag quilt.  This past Sunday she gave me the quilt and in that moment, the finality of our decision to be "baby-free" hit me hard.  My best friend had just given birth that morning to their third child, a beautiful daughter.  Another close friend told me she was expecting.  And I felt the familiar tug of "baby fever".  Are we really sure we're done?  

It was a labor of love, as my mom called it.  Each piece of receiving blanket brought back memories of the boys as babies.  Scott and I pointed out the ones we remembered the most.  It was bittersweet to look at it knowing that particular phase of our lives is long gone, but the keepsake my mom made for me will be something to treasure for the rest of my life.

So, I went to the hospital that evening and visited my friend.  Met her beautiful daughter, Charlotte.  Gave the little one extra snuggles and reluctantly handed her back to her mommy and daddy.  I'll get my baby fix vicariously through my friends as they expand their families.  I'll be grateful for the two amazing boys God gave me.  I'll enjoy our new-found freedom that comes with the boys getting older.  Like getting to roller-skate together as a family.  Going out in public without a diaper bag.  Having two potty-trained kids.  Snuggling in bed with them and talking about God, life, their favorite thing about each day, and what fun things we'll do the next day.  I'll hear about their Spanish class at daycare or their best friend that day (because you know those things change quite often).

I will enjoy my new body and embrace every scar or stretch mark that came from carrying babies for nine months.  I will rock my bikini this summer for the first time in over four years.  I will dedicate more time back into my marriage.  I will enjoy my eight hours of sleep I'll be getting tonight.  And anytime I feel that "baby fever" creep back in, I will grab my quilt and snuggle with my boys.  I have all I need right here.  Looking at this picture, my heart is full.  It's time to stop dwelling on what I don't have and more on what's right in front of me.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Up North - Frozen Style

I looked at the calendar last week in complete shock.  It's already mid-February and at that point, I wasn't sick of winter.

Then this weekend came and went.  The "arctic blast" brought in unbelievably cold temps with even lower windchills.  And it just happened to coincide with our trip up to Gladwin for some winter activities.  Because, ya know, sledding and skiing in dangerously cold weather sounds like a hoot!  Thanks, Mother Nature!
Cue "Let It Go" as the snow blows around on the lake.
 We drove up Saturday after Scott ended his basketball coaching season in 2nd place.  I know he was disappointed and heck, I was disappointed considering we waited to go up until the championship game was over.  The drive was a bit stressful.  Wind was blowing snow on to the road at random times.  You could be cruising at a comfortable 75 and suddenly hit a patch of snow-covered roads making everyone brake and drive 50, if that.  Unpredictability while driving is never a good thing.

We arrived with just enough time to sled in the backyard before the sun set.  The kids made it a good 20 minutes outside before we all lost the feeling in our faces.  But, it was really cool to walk out on the frozen lake.

We're standing on the lake!
Sunday morning we let the kids veg with cartoons.  Isn't the winter about relaxing inside by a fire?  Once the parent-guilt set in about how much TV time was happening, we got creative.  Basketball tournaments, couch-cushion forts, and board games helped pass the time until the temperature seemed a bit tolerable outside.

At about 10am, we had all the relaxation we could take.  So, we bundled up again and went outside for another 20 minute round of sledding.

We took advantage of the lake's rec center and let the kids go to the indoor pool.  Not sure what to expect with the water temperature, we were pleasantly surprised when it felt like a giant bathtub.  We easily spent two hours swimming, splashing, and jumping in.  The ride back home we picked up a pizza for dinner.  The place was a little sketchy...almost something out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  But, the food passed the taste test by two hungry little boys.

This morning we woke up, packed, and hit the road.  We drove about 40 minutes to Snow Snake for Sean's ski lesson.  The kid lasted 40 minutes on the bunny hill and made it down about 4 times.  He complained the whole time that his feet were hurting from the ski boots, but we made it work.  Evan and Scott watched from inside the ski chalet, while I kept Sean and his teacher company on my snowboard.  Bag lunches from home for lunch on a picnic table inside the ski chalet and cups of hot cocoa kept the boys entertained until it was time to go home.  A smooth, uneventful drive home and we capped the extended weekend off with dinner at our favorite place, Hermann's.

It was a great winter-y get away spent with family!  I can officially say that I'm ready for winter to be over now.  We did our winter activities.  We got out there and skied this winter.  It can be Spring now.

Maybe we'll have better luck with the weather next year.  It's crazy to think that next year when we go up, Evan will be old enough to try skiing.  My boys are getting sooo big!!  Speaking of big, this picture from Friday, getting ready to go to their Valentine's Day parties at daycare, warms my heart.

Monday, February 2, 2015

6 more weeks of this...

I think it's safe to say the groundhog saw his shadow.  How ironic that we wake up on Groundhog's Day with over 16" of fresh snow in what they're calling the third biggest snow storm in Metro Detroit history.

I can't complain.  I was elated about a snow day home today with the whole family!  So, it was like adding a cherry on top when I got another phone call this evening saying we have tomorrow off too!  Will it screw up my lesson plans?  You bet.  Will I lose any sleep over that thought?  Nope!

We haven't left the house since Saturday, so the cabin fever feeling is starting to set in a bit.  But, I spent some time on Pinterest tonight coming up with some Valentine's Day crafts we can do tomorrow.  Heck, we might even venture out at some point to go to the hardware store.  Sounds fascinating, right?

This morning the kids were chomping at the bit to play in the snow.  With negative windchill temps, we brought the snow inside.  A little food coloring and water in squeeze bottles and the kids were entertained for a solid hour with the snow.

It wasn't until after naps in the late afternoon that we bundled them up and took them outside.  I was totally prepared to go back to work tomorrow so I figured we'd let them play in the snow for a little bit before we got back to the grind.  Living on the corner has it's perks.  Snow piled so high we made our own sledding hill.

Aside from the "Super Bowl Snow Storm", life has been treating us well.  Scott's more than halfway through his season coaching basketball.  This upcoming weekend is his last regular season game and then we'll see if his teams make playoffs.  The day the season is officially over, we're hitting the road and heading up north for a holiday weekend (Valentine's Day and President's Day) of skiing and tubing.  Sean's private lesson is booked for another attempt at skiing.  I can't wait!

With Scott's Saturday mornings occupied coaching, I've been busy with the boys.  Play dates at Rochester Play and at Airtime Trampolines in Troy were a blast!  The boys went to the Auto Show with my parents on a Friday while we were at work.

Scott and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary!  We were blessed to be able to have a nice night out with dinner at La Bistecca.  We went to see American Sniper after dinner.  I can't believe how fast the years are going by!

When we picked up the boys the next morning, I made a last minute decision to let Sean skip his nap so we could go to open skate.  With my weight loss and getting back into shape, I was amazed at how much I was able to do on the ice.  Considering it's been....14 years since I've skated consistently, I picked it right back up!  And Sean did great too!

Lastly, it was Miss Bailey's 8th birthday this weekend!  She had her annual cupcake frosted with peanut butter.  She wore her birthday hat and scarf with pride!

Happy birthday, baby girl!

It's been an eventful two weeks since I last blogged!  Whoever said the winter was boring, especially January, is definitely wrong!  Time to start thinking about Valentine's Day that's a week and a half away and our getaway up north!

But, for now, I'm all about relaxing on the couch with my Kindle and a beer.  No alarm clocks tomorrow!  SNOW DAY!!!