But July, was a great month with nothing on the brain but enjoying summer vacation and travel! We spent a week up north at the cottage over the fourth of July and a little less than a week on Lake Michigan exploring some cities on the western part of the state. And in between those two trips, we filled the month with as many activities as we could!

Sean attended a summer camp with his cousins for a week in Troy. While I was definitely missing him, we wanted to make Evan feel special too!
T-ball has been full swing all summer...pun intended. I'm not too sure Sean is a fan of t-ball this season, but he gets out there and tries. His batting is definitely stronger than his fielding and most of the time he's off staring into space, but we gave it a try this summer!
I can honestly say Evan isn't too much of a fan either! I can't blame him. Sitting on the bleachers in this heat we've had for an hour without much action to watch is pretty boring. So, on practice nights, Evan and I have a standing date. We bake cookies!
It's certainly been a hot one this summer! But, that hasn't stopped us from getting out and enjoying our days! From tie-dying shirts and learning activities inside to water parks and bike rides, we've made the most out of this hot summer!
I can certainly say that we've had an amazing summer so far! And I've definitely kept us busy! August will include a trip to Mackinac Island for two nights, the Ogemaw County Fair up north, my trip to Portland, and Evan's birthday party before we head back to school and work. I have a feeling I'll be exhausted as we start another school year, but at least that means I had a busy and fulfilling summer with my family!
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