Well, we hit the one year anniversary of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic here in the United States. It's strange to look back on timehop on Facebook and to see posts about having "two weeks off" in addition to spring break, posts about the search for toilet paper and creating fun activities to do at home with the boys. While we still aren't quite out of this pandemic a year later, our schedule is starting to feel a bit more like normal.
The boys are back in school full time now and it's made a huge difference in everyone's dispositions. They both had their reading and math NWEA tests and did so well! It prompted a trip to Barnes and Noble this weekend for them to get some new books as a treat. I was the mystery reader over Zoom in Evan's class and I read "Those Darn Squirrels" - one of his favorites! Evan published a non-fiction book about RC Cars and dedicated it to Scott!

The boys both still have religious education on Mondays nights, in person, until the end of April. Evan takes in person guitar lessons on Wednesday nights and is doing really well! He's playing lots of AC/DC and Twisted Sister songs. Sean has tutoring Thursday nights over Zoom and it's helped immensely with math. He's kept active with Scouts this winter and has had an in-person den meeting where they carved sticks with their pocket knives and a Zoom astronomy presentation. Soccer and baseball seasons are about to kick off and I'm crossing all my fingers and toes they have a season this year! Practices are scheduled and are right around the corner!

The boys have also taken an interest in playing disc golf on Hines Drive and driving their RC Cars on the track off Hines. Now that the weather is getting warmer, we've been making an effort to get out and explore more.
Luna is doing well! She healed well from her spay surgery back at the end of February. She's gotten much better about taking walks, being with just one of us on a walk, meeting new people, and not barking. She's such a good girl!
Scott and I doing well. I've been back at work since early February and Scott goes back this week. We are both fully vaccinated and while I had a rough 36 hours after the second dose, I'd rather that than getting sick with COVID. We are doing the best to teach over Zoom/WebEx and keep things engaging.
We celebrated Scott's 39th birthday on the same day I was recovering from my vaccine and Luna was recovering from her spay surgery. I guess that's what birthdays are like as an adult. We made an awesome ice cream cake the night before (Evan and I) and we gave Scott a disc golf bag, some new ski gloves, two belts, and an IOU for some whiskey when we are in Tennessee.
Other than that we have just been trying to get out a bit more. Out to restaurants. Out to museums and parks. Trying to take some baby steps out of our COVID bubble now that we are vaccinated.
And it's almost Spring Break!! Five more days and we will be on the road to Kentucky and Tennessee!
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