Friday, May 31, 2024

Evan's Jenison Memorial Weekend Bash Tournament

 Our away tournament this year for Evan's baseball team was supposed to be both Sandusky and another weekend in Frankenmuth, but the coach dropped the ball (pun intended) with the registration for both of those and we lost our spots.  So, he picked a tournament just outside of Grand Rapids in a small town called Jenison.  There were 7 teams in his age group registered and our games were Saturday at 4:45pm and 6:30pm, but we opted to go early on Friday.  

We picked the kids up early and got to Grand Rapids around 5:30pm.  We stopped at The Mitten Brewery for dinner and beers.  It seemed fitting since it's a baseball themed restaurant.  Then we stopped at Founders for another beer and an appetizer.  We went on to the hotel after that to check in and 3 other teammates were there swimming so we joined them.  The kids ran around outside on a big field to play wiffle ball and they loved the castle next door (it's an apartment building...).

Saturday morning we were moving slow from our late night, so we ate breakfast at the hotel and let the kids hang out and play wiffle ball some more.  We got ready and decided to grab a big lunch at New Holland Brewery in downtown Grand Rapids.  It was a really cool space!  The kids liked the yard games and the food was actually pretty good.

Then it was back to the hotel to get ready for the games.  The moms stuffed good luck bags in the lobby to surprise the boys with and the kids got their uniforms on.  When we got to the field thinking we had close to an hour to warm-up, the umps informed our coaches that they were running ahead of schedule and wanted to start in 15 minutes.  So, it was a mad scramble to get their arms warmed up and to get our tent set up.  The first game we played a local team called Club House and we won 10-6.  It was an exciting game and our kids and coaches were super amped up!  Afterwards they had a quick break and then we played a team from Rockford that was really good and unfortunately, beat us.  18-1.  Ouch!  

The team all went back to the hotel and we had a parking lot party of pizza, salads, desserts, and drinks for a late dinner.  The kids were running around swimming, playing wiffle ball, etc.  I think it's safe to say everyone had a good time despite losing that second game!

The next morning on Sunday we had an 11:30am game since we were seeded 4th for the bracket play.  We all ate breakfast at the hotel and a dad picked up some bagels and cream cheese from Panera.  We were up against the same team we beat the day before and they came out hot.  Every kid on their team was hitting.  It looked like a totally different team.  Sadly, we lost 10-1 and we just did not play well.  Evan struck out twice.  It was very unusual for him.  

Most families had checked out of the hotel and were going home after the game, but we had decided to stay the night again.  There was a cidery nearby the field that I love and wanted to go to so we went to that.  It was so cute!  The kids played Jenga and had some snacks and plain cider.  

We went back to the hotel to change into our bathing suits.  Even though it was a cloudy day, it was warm and we wanted to go to a nearby lake.  Millennium Park was about two miles from the hotel and is a metropark.  We hung out at the beach for two hours before a big storm came in.  We left just in time!  It got very dark and crazy out there.  We stopped for Subway right by our hotel for dinner, ate in the room, and then met up with the coach and his son to swim at the pool.  

It was a fun weekend!  Wish the boys would have played better and gone farther in the tournament, but onto the next one!  We have this weekend off and then 3 weekends of tournaments in a row.  Hoping those are better for us!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sean's Cedar Point Field Trip

 Sean had a field trip with 7th grade to Cedar Point for the day a week ago.  I had volunteered to chaperone, but did not get picked because there were a lot of parents who volunteered.  Sean still really wanted me to be there so I decided to pull Evan out of school and take him with me for the day.  We left at 7:30am and got there about a half hour before the park opened.  We were second in line!  Sadly, it was a rainy day so we had to bundle up and wear raincoats most of the day.  It was chilly too, only 55 degrees as a high.  

We rushed to the back of the park to go to Steel Vengeance and it was awesome!  We walked on the first time and only waited maybe 10 minutes to ride it a second time.  We wanted to do Maverick next, but it was closed for maintenance.  So, we walked to Millennium Force and waited about 10 minutes for that ride.  I remember when that ride opened...things have changed so much since then!  We got lunch afterwards at the cute little diner by Millennium Force and since I had bought the meal plan for myself, we shared an entrĂ©e.  

We wanted our food to settle a bit so we did the Cadillac Cars and Evan loved it!  I remember as a kid always loving to "drive" those too.  We then did Valryvn and it was our favorite!  We were in the middle row and it was intense even in the middle.  We did Rougarou a bunch of times since it was a walk-on ride, walked over to Frontier Town again to see the farm, and made our way back to Maverick that was back open.  That was about a 30 minute wait.  Then we grabbed another entrĂ©e to split in Frontier Town with my dining plan.  

We made our way back to Main Street and did the Derby Horses, did some shopping (we didn't buy anything), and did Valryvn again, but the front row this time!  It was so scary, but we loved it.  We finally ran into Sean, who was having a blast with his group and definitely didn't "need" me for anything.  At this point the wind had picked up and they closed Gatekeeper and Raptor, which sadly we didn't get to ride.  So, we rode Rougarou a few more times, grabbed another entrĂ©e at an Italian place, and hit the road to head home around 6pm.  

It was a fun day and I'm glad we went!  Just wish the weather would have been better!