Monday, September 17, 2012

2 Weeks and Going Strong!

Well, another week bites the dust and thanks to my Dad's help all last week and my parent's hospitality over the weekend, we survived.

I think it's safe to say that I may have stuck my foot in my mouth with my last post that said this was all a breeze so far and easier than last time.  Sure, the baby part is easier because I actually know what I'm doing this time, but Sean...whew!  I'm convinced he decided to start the "terrible two's", get over an ear infection/cold, start a new daycare, and begin the teething process for his two-year molars all at once.  And it's wearing me out.

What happened to my happy-go-lucky boy?  He used to just go with the flow and now it's like pulling teeth out to get him to do anything.  He has selective hearing, he refuses to hold my hand in public places when it's vital that he does, he throws tantrums (which includes him throwing himself on the floor), he screams and whines like it's his job, and he even has a bit of an attitude that would include phrases like, "Go away" and "Zip it".  Seriously.

Take today for example.  My mom was here to help me so we decided to head to the library for Sean's last "story time" (it's only for 6-24 month olds and my baby will be 2 in 2 weeks).  We figured with two adults this would be easily manageable.  I guess we didn't take into account that Sean would want both of us in story time just when Evan decided it was time to fuss for nursing as it started.  So, we stayed for two nursery rhymes and then bowed out.  I nursed Evan in the rocking chair while my mom played with Sean on the computer playing Thomas the Train.  I thought we were in the clear at that point.  So, we ventured back upstairs to the adult section so I could get a book for both Scott and I.  My mom held Evan since he was trying to be burped and I pushed the stroller, carried the bag with library books, and tried to hold Sean's hand.  It's like he knows that being upstairs means you have to be quiet, so naturally, he does the opposite.  He breaks away from my hold, runs towards a glass shelf with magnifying glasses in it (don't ask), decides to bang on it as loud as he can, then runs away from me as I try to stop him, all the while screaming at the top of his lungs and laughing because he thinks this is a game.  Well, if so, I quit.

I have to say, I'm scared to death of Monday and Wednesday next week when I'm officially on my own with both kids.  All I have to say is Lord help me.  How can this little boy stress me out so much, but bring me so much joy?

While I'm not sure that Sean's behavior is directly related to Evan's arrival, there have been some comical moments with Sean.  Like when he saw me pumping at the kitchen table for the first time and was standing so close to me and staring a hole through me I could feel his breath on my arm.  He was so confused, yet so intrigued.  Scott thought this would be perfect timing to teach him the word nipple.  So, now I have a two year old who walks around randomly rambling about nipples.  

Evan, on the other hand, continues to be cool, calm, and collected.  His only complaints are diaper changes, baths, and when he needs to be burped.  Although, over the past three days he's decided to stop nursing on both sides during a feeding and will only take one side.  That results in him needing to nurse every 1.5-2 hours instead of 2-3.  Two week growth spurt?  Let's hope so.  He surprised us all today during tummy time on the floor when he decided to roll over from tummy to back.  Three times in a row!!!  This just blows my mind.  And, no, I was not positioning his arms to where it was easy for him to roll over.  He's two weeks old and he can roll over!  I'm speechless.

Well, tomorrow Sean goes to school, Evan has his two-week well visit, and I'm looking forward to the first day alone in the house to sleep, watch trashy TV, or find the motivation to get some projects/cleaning/laundry done around the house.  We'll see what I'm feeling up to...

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