Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh, he looks just like...

             Sean Madden                                      Evan Jameson

                10-1-10                                                  9-2-12

               6 lbs. 7 oz.                                               7 lbs.

                20 inches                                            20.5 inches

I love hearing all the comments about who they think the boys look like.  And even the comments that Evan looks so much like Sean.  I thought it would be neat to put them side by side to see if it makes these observations any easier.  So, similarities?  Differences between the two?  Do they look like me?  Scott?  Both of us?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is definitely a challenge! Sean has a rounder face than Evan. Evan's jawline is more like Scott's. Evan's eyes are a very dark blue and Sean's are light blue/gray. Of course, this will continue to change over the next few months. They are both very cute babies though, that's for sure!
