Wednesday, July 8, 2020

4th of July Up North 2020

Happy 4th!!  We weren't sure if this long weekend was going to happen or not with everything going on this year with COVID, but all of Scott's family was healthy and able to come up to be together.  We came on Thursday after lunch and got up in time to do some swimming and a pizza dinner on the boat.  The kids did not want to get out of the water!

Matt and Mindy had been up there all week and the Salings arrived just before it was time for the kids to go to bed.  We let them stay up late to hang out for a while.  Friday morning the kids went golfing with Scott, the Salings, Nana, and Pops at Lakeview for 9 holes.  They were home in time for a late lunch and then lots of time in the water.  The lake was incredibly busy with boats so it was a little dicey going out diving and trying to do the nature cruise.  In fact, we almost ran into the rocks while anchored (the boat drifted from the wake being so strong), we got stuck on the nature cruise in shallow water, and the boat stopped randomly.  It was a bit stressful!   

We came back from the boat ride to find out we had lost power in the house.  Luckily, Jackie and Josh were able to grill and pull together salad bar for dinner.  But, we had to let the kids watch a downloaded movie on one of our iPads and we tried to play euchre by candlelight.  It was an interesting night!

The power came back on around 3am Saturday morning, thankfully!  Everyone went golfing except for me, Jackie, and 3 of the 4 kids.  By 11am, the power was out again, so we spent the entire day outside in the lake tubing, diving, having a water balloon fight, and sunbathing. 

Matt and Mindy were able to pull together some Serbian food for dinner with no running water or electricity!  I was impressed!  We got decked out in our 4th of July gear, played "sack in the hole", let the kids do some smaller fireworks like sparklers, snakes, and pop its, and then it was time for the lake firework show!  They did a nice job, as always!

The power was still out as we woke up on Adelaide's 9th birthday.  Josh went out to get bottled water, donuts, and coffee from Tim Hortons to start out day.  Luckily by 11am, the power came back on.  I made a big lunch of Mexican food and we did cupcakes and ice cream to celebrate Adelaide.  She wanted to spend the day in the water again tubing and diving.  It was a fun day!

We did leftovers and buffalo chicken dip for dinner and let the kids just relax watching a movie before an early bedtime.  In fact, it was an early bedtime for everyone.  We woke up Monday morning, made some breakfast, and packed up to head home.  It was an interesting weekend this year...the only way I can describe a two-day power outage with no running water on a holiday weekend!  One for the books!

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