Sunday, July 12, 2020

Mid-summer Updates

We are doing our best to make summer as "normal" of a summer that it usually is.  Governor Whitmer opened up the state just after Memorial Weekend slowly and by mid-June most places were open with the exception of gyms.  Things are definitely different still.  We're wearing our masks, still avoiding indoor spaces as much as we can, only dining on patios or as carryout, and we are having to make reservations to use a pool or go to the zoo. 

We kicked off our summer vacation with a well-deserved date night!  My parents took the kids for the night for the first time in months!  Scott and I cautiously enjoyed drinks and some food on the patio at Ironwood in downtown Plymouth and came home to play bags out front. 

The first thing on our summer bucket list was strawberry picking at Rowe's Produce Farm and we had a good time, as usual!  The berries were fantastic!

We had a garage sale mid-June that was pretty successful.  Considering we only did it for a day and a half, I was quite pleased with what we made.  The rest was put in bags and taken to Salvation Army (although, that took me 3 trips before they were finally open and taking bags and it took me over an hour to get through the line-up of cars). 

The kids enjoyed a few days up north with Nana and Pops, while we enjoyed a few days at home by ourselves.  I'd like to say we got a lot done, but we really just relaxed, ate out on the patio at Los Tres Amigos, and enjoyed each other's company before we went up north ourselves for the rest of the week.

In between trips up north, the kids have enjoyed playing street hockey with Jameson and his dad, going for bike rides, playing Jurassic World outside on the deck, doing some tie-dye shirts, getting a hair cut for the first time in months, and eating out on the patio for their first time at Compari's on the Park.  I've also kept them busy with their summer learning where they do some pages in a Summer Brain Quest workbook, read, and write in their journals.

The boys and I took our first trip to our favorite outdoor pool, which we had to make reservations for this time.  I felt safe, for the most part.  I'm sure we'll be back again this summer.

We spread Bailey's ashes in both our backyard at home and some up north at the lake house too.  The boys got to reflect on their favorite memories with Bailey and while it was hard, it was also special.  Rest in peace, Bailey!

Sean lost two teeth in the same night!  He yanked those suckers out when they were barely even loose while watching Ghostbusters in my bed!

New birdfeeders have kept us entertained!

We survived a power outage up north and another one a day after we got home!  And while it was the hottest it's been so far this summer.  I also survived a pretty wicked fall on my bike turning onto the road off of gravel.  Ouch!

We also had a really nice trip to the Farmer's Market to get muffins and some produce.  My parents had us over for a BBQ dinner that same day. 

We are off to Traverse City this week for our camping trip with friends and while I'm a little nervous to use a public bathroom for a few days, I'm also really looking forward to taking the boys to Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes, Leland, and Traverse City.  We always love our summer camping trip!  So, on that note, I'll leave you with pictures of my kids being cute.  Because....why not?!

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