Well, I can officially say we've bit off more than we can chew this fall with kid activities. We'll start with Evan. He's doing fall baseball with GCYBSA. He has Monday and Wednesday night games and Sunday practice for 2 hours. So, roughly 6 hours of baseball a week. He also has soccer that Scott and I coach with Tuesday night practices and one game a week. He's still playing guitar and does lessons on Saturdays for now when we don't have conflicts with a soccer game.

While this schedule, particularly the baseball schedule, is completely nuts, he's loving it! He's had such a great season (a little bit of a pitching slump right now) and has a great coach! He even worked with Evan on pitching one random evening last week; just him and Evan. MC9, a travel team, has a 1-2 spots open on their 10U team so we are considering that, but we might just let him continue with GCYBSA in the spring before having him tryout in July for a travel team. We don't want him to lose his love for it if he's in a highly competitive setting.
His soccer team is doing well. They lost one game and won the second. They haven't had a game in a week or so because the other team cancelled due to COVID exposure. He has a game tomorrow evening on Hines though! No goals yet this season for Evan, but he's playing mid a lot.
Sean is playing on a new soccer team this fall and it's a big team! 16 boys U12. They've had three games and have won all of them by a landslide. No goals for Sean yet, but he had a few shots on goal one of the games. I'm confident he'll get a few by the end of the season. He has practices Monday and Thursday evenings and one game a week. So, roughly 4.5 hours of soccer a week.
He's also trying flag football for the first time. We weren't sure if he'd get a spot on the other soccer team, so we picked flag football as a back-up and now we have both to get to. He has practice on Sundays for an hour and the game right after for another hour. It's nice that it's all done on Sundays. His team has struggled a bit at the start of the season and they haven't won a game yet. But, Sean caught an extra point during one the games! It was exciting!
He's also doing Cub Scouts for his final year and it's been a busy start to the year with den meetings, pack meetings, and a camp-out. I'm a den leader so my plate has been very full with that. He's also taking drum lessons on Saturdays when Evan is there for guitar. Hoping they can start a band one of these days...
I don't think we will allow the boys to do this many activities at the same time again. It's hard because they want to try different things, yet continue with soccer. They will definitely have to make some choices in the spring! And now the decision comes with whether to sign Sean up for wrestling over the winter...
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