Here he is! My big guy at 11 years old! It's hard to believe. Every time I look at him he looks more and more grown-up. And I'd say we definitely entered the pre-teen/tween phase where our conversations have shifted to what makes a friend a good friend, who his latest crush is and how to get her to notice him, and daily reminders about deodorant and personal hygiene. Yikes!
For his 11th birthday this year, he bugged us incessantly about skipping school. His birthday fell on a Friday, after a week of NWEA testing and having a sub all week. We caved and let him take a half day since Nana and Pops were able to check him out just before lunch started. He started his morning with pancakes and he got to open his Unspeakable shirt gift. Once he was excused from school they grabbed McDonald's and went to play glow golf and arcade games at Zap Zone. When Scott and I got home from work it was present time!
His birthday dinner of choice was Los Tres Amigos on the patio outside so that Luna could join us. He got his usual 3 tacos and even talked Evan into ordering tacos too instead of chicken fingers. They sang "Happy Birthday" to him in Spanish and put the sombrero on him. He even got a free dessert - bonus!
To end with a bang, he had several friends and neighbors come over for a bonfire/movie night outside! He chose an older Jurassic Park movie called The Lost World. I'd say they all had a great time with cupcakes, popcorn, and Gatorade.
We celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday of his birthday weekend. Since Grandma, Sean and I all have birthdays within 5 days of each other, it's always a group birthday celebration. We had Buddy's pizza carry-out and salad for dinner, opened gifts, and enjoyed some birthday cake.

We also celebrated with Scott's side of the family this past weekend. Sean likes to now say that his birthday is officially over after spreading it out over two weeks. Scott's family came over to our house for carry-out dinner, ice cream cake, a bonfire, and fall/Halloween pajamas!
Sean is in Mr. Hammond's 5th grade class this year and has hit the ground running learning lots of math facts about decimals, social studies facts about Native Americans, and parts of speech. They're about to read Wonder together. He seems to be enjoying a more "normal" school year. He's been keeping busy outside of school with both soccer and flag football this fall. This is his first season of flag football and he's improving each week. I hope that football is something he sticks with as it would be fun to play football in high school.

He's also keeping busy with his final year of Cub Scouts. They went camping this fall already and there's more fun events planned on the calendar to make up for lost time/activities during COVID. He's also playing the drums and taking lessons weekly where Evan takes guitar lessons. They plan to play "Crazy Train" together at their concert in March.
He's into gaming more this year. Mostly Minecraft, Roblox, and games on the Switch or Xbox. He could easily spend all day playing videogames if we let him. He likes to follow youtubers that give gaming tips like Unspeakable and Preston. I figured the day would come when toys were less exciting and videogames took their place. Although, I will say that he still enjoys playing with Legos and Jurassic World toys. In fact, he's been asking for some knock-off Lego sets that are WWII sets/tanks.
He's in a size 10-12 and moving into a boys Large in shirts and pants. He's now in a size 5 shoes! I can't believe it. He's over 80 lbs. and 57" tall. He's looking forward to hitting the 100 lb mark so he can ride in the passenger seat. I told him to keep eating his protein! He's not too picky of an eater as he'll eat burgers, meatballs, chicken, pasta, tacos, etc. His favorite meals are always tacos and meatballs.
Happy birthday, buddy! We love you so much!
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