Well, it's been an unusual start to our school year, mostly for me. But, in the three weeks of school so far I've been out for my surgery recovery, Evan got Covid and missed several days of school, and then I got Covid and missed four more days of work. Yikes! But, the boys at least started off on the right foot.
It's hard to believe, but Sean is off to middle school at East with his cousins, Sydney and Adelaide. Adelaide and Sean went to different elementary schools, but they are pumped to be together this year in 6th grade. They went to schedule pick-up together on the day of my surgery and they even have homeroom together every morning and band together in the afternoon.

I'm shocked at how well Sean is doing! He is off to such a great start! He picked up being able to open his lock quickly and has adjusted to finding all 6 of his classes plus homeroom daily. He comes home positive, telling me about his days! He's been motivated to do his homework nightly and even typed up and printed his first paper for ELA! He has homeroom, science, ELA, social studies, math, band, and skills for success as his elective. He rides the bus to and from school, getting up and showering in the mornings now! He's gone by 7:30am and home by 3:40pm. We are so proud of how he's adapted to so many new things this year so far!

This fall Sean has soccer practices with his same team Wednesdays and Fridays from 5:30-7pm. He has one game once a week, usually on the weekends, but on random weeknights if needed. His team won their first two games and are hoping to stay undefeated and division champs for a 3rd season in a row! He's also doing flag football on Sundays with his friend, Charlie. Practices run for an hour and then he has an hour long game. They had their first game this past weekend and had a devastating loss of 13-10. Sean made a great interception though on defense! He has music lessons outside of school (transitioned from drum lessons to the xylophone/piano to give him some extra support in band this fall) on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. He's a busy guy!

Evan has Mrs. Marquart this year for 4th grade at Farrand! His teacher was also out with Covid starting on Friday of the first week of school so it's been a rocky start all around in the classroom. He seems to like his teacher though and I'm confident he'll turn it around and have a great year!

This fall Evan is doing fall soccer with Scott as his coach again for the last season. They were division champs in the spring and moved up to division one. He practices Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:45pm with one game each weekend. They won their first game against Livonia, but lost their second game to a really good Canton team. He's also doing fall rec baseball on a new-to-him team since his coach from the last year has his daughter doing travel softball now. He has games on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and practice on Saturday mornings from 9-11am. Their team has won one game and lost two. Evan's been playing mostly 1st base and some outfield. He's not pitching as much as he did his previous team, but he'll start his travel team in November and we'll be curious to see which position he mostly plays. He also takes guitar lessons on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.

So, that basically means we are driving kids to sports 7 days a week! Yikes! But, these are the days we'll look back on and miss. Having the kids active and involved in things teaches them so many valuable life lessons and it's pretty fun watching them get out there, have fun, and do well!
Here's hoping our school year can calm down a bit and we can find our rhythm and our health!
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