Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy 4th Birthday, Evan!!

My handsome little man turned 4 this past Friday!  Can you believe it?!  Seriously, where did the time go??

His personality has really changed over the past 6 months.  People aren't joking when they call that age the "threenager".  He went from being mama's little boy to suddenly having an opinion on everything!  He can be stubborn...or should I say strong-willed?  He refuses to do things we all know that he can do like get himself dressed, put on his shoes, clear his dishes from the table, etc. and tells us, "You do it".  But, man, when he goes back to that sweet, loving, little boy, there's nothing like it in the world!  He gives out the best hugs, the best kisses, and says the sweetest things!  We just have to work hard to find those moments...

He's still very interested in motorcycles!  He tells us all the time that he wants to be a "motorcycle man and a rockstar and a jet-skier" when he grows up.  I keep hoping he'll pick something  But, he knows what he wants, for now.  This past year he started taking an interest in superheroes, which is a nice refreshing change of pace in our house!  He loves musical instruments or any toy/book that plays music.  He's big into fast cars, monster trucks, and boats.  He can easily spend the entire day up north on the lake alternating between the jet-ski and the speed boat.  Everything is go-go-go right now!

Evan is still quite the picky eater!  He still only prefers vanilla soy milk instead of cow's milk.  He loves smoothies, yogurt, veggie straws, waffles with peanut butter, cereal, pizza, french toast, pancakes, and bacon.  Other than's hit or miss.  It makes for some very challenging dinners, but we've found that if he tries something and doesn't like it, we're willing to make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a frozen waffle instead.  The key is limiting his snacks!

He's about 31 pounds, although we'll find out officially at his well-visit the end of this month.  He's exactly 40 inches tall!  With Disney being 6 months away, we are ecstatic that he's tall enough for majority of the rides this time!  Splash Mountain!  He's wearing 3T clothes right now and can wear some 4T shirts.  He's in a size 9 shoe.

He'll be starting Pre-K tomorrow and it seems crazy to think this is his last year at Tutor Time, or any daycare for that matter.  He's starting outdoor fall soccer this week too!  He's pretty excited to have his own cleats and shin guards and it will be interesting to see how he does on a team with 4 and 5 year old boys.  His favorite friends right now are Sean and his cousin, Adelaide.  Although, this school year, he'll be the only kid on Mondays with Nana.  I'm sure it's going to be weird for both him and Nana, but the kids are all growing up so fast!

He's doing well academically.  He knows his capital letters, with the exception of a few, can write his name and can write many other letters, can count to 20, can say a few words in Spanish, and is taking an interest in drawing every now and again.  I'm really proud of where he is right now!  And I think this year in Pre-K will really help too.

Between his birthday party last weekend, mini birthday dinner with Grandma and Grandpa, and then our family celebration on his actual birthday, I think he's had an exciting start to being 4!  He chose Panera for lunch on his birthday, opening day at Three Cedars Farm, and a pizza party with his cousins and aunt for dinner.  He insisted on a Ghostbusters cake, which Heritage Bakery in Livonia did an amazing job with!

It seems so strange to think that I don't have toddlers anymore!  My boys are both getting so big!  Being in the oldest classroom at his school blows my mind.  We are so incredibly proud of the person Evan is becoming, even if he is challenging most days.  He'll make a good lawyer!  And in the mean time, he sure keeps us on our toes and always entertained!  We love you, Evan Jameson!!!  Happy 4th Birthday!!!!

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