Friday, June 21, 2024

Sean's Spring Soccer Season

Sean finished his last season of playing soccer recently.  While it's sad to see him be done with soccer, we have so many great seasons of memories over the years with both the boys.  Sean's coach was going to be done coaching after this season and some of the boys were moving onto 9th grade and their high school team (potentially) so it was a good time to bow out.  

Overall his team had another great season, but this time they didn't finish in 1st place in their division.  They ended up second, trailing behind one of the Canton teams.  They've had quite the track record of winning the division so this was hard for some of the boys.  Sean didn't seem that bothered by it.  They got their medals from the fall...a little late.  

Their last game they won and had a pizza party afterwards at one of the pavilions.  Sean's coach had candy for each boy and had a special gift for Sean because I guess he talked about Five Guys all the time.  He got him a $20 gift card to Five Guys!  It was really nice.

Sean's in a group text with a lot of the boys on the team and plays Fortnite with them so I'm happy that he'll keep in touch with them.  He's made some good friends over the years from soccer!  This fall he'll be doing West Catholic tackle football for the first time and has already gone to their summer skills camp this week.  We are excited for this next step for Sean!

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