Thursday, June 20, 2024

Schools out for summer 2024!

We are on summer break!!!!

After getting back from Evan's tournament in Grand Rapids, the school year quickly started winding down!  Sean had his last band concert, ever.  He will not be playing in the band next year and we've returned his instrument.  

Evan had field day for his last time and it was a really nice day for it.  I have no pictures, but he did bring home a tick with him...attached to shi left thigh.  Of course we didn't discover this until we were driving to Guitar Center after his hitting practice at the facility.  I had to get creative with removing it and ended up using a guaze pad in our first aid kit, but I was successful and we were able to still go to Guitar Center.

Speaking of Evan, he had his 6th grade orientation at East in the spring that I took him to.  We got ice cream to celebrate.  He attended his last "Donuts with a buddy" with Scott.  He also had art work in the art show this year!  We are super proud of him for that!

We had our block party to kick off summer and to end the school year.  The owner of Cuts and Coffee at the end of the street offered to host it in his parking lot and we had a great turn out.  I helped plan the whole thing and I was glad when it was over.  It started raining after about 2 hours and everyone went home.  

We lost power for about 24 hours after a big storm came through.  It seemed like we were the only neighborhood in Plymouth without.  Livonia, specifically the Castle Gardens neighborhood, was hit hard with a tornado!  It made getting ready for work and school a bit of a challenge, but we were able to salvage most of our food.

And then it was my turn to be done first for the school year!  I was done on Friday, June 7th.  It was a smooth end to the school year for me, although I was sad to see so many colleagues retire, including Jennifer.  I threw her a retirement party (post to follow) and we sent her off to retirement in the best way possible.  This spring I also had the pleasure of attending the Senior Honors Dinner with a great student, Desmond.  He invited me to go and I was so excited!  I also helped throw a baby shower for a co-worker, who ended up going into labor early not long after the shower (31 weeks...).  I'm happy to report baby and mama are both doing well and she's hoping her baby can come home in July. 

Evan had his graduation on Monday, June 10th (the first week I was off work).  I helped make the balloon arch (post to follow).  And then the boys had two half days on the 11th and 12th.  On the 12th, their last day of school, I went on Sean's field trip to the bowling alley.  We walked from the school and I think the kids had a great time!  I was glad I could go.  I then rushed over to Evan's school to see his clap-out for the 5th graders.  And then it was home to get our summer started!

Scott's last day was Thursday, June 13th.  He had a half day and quickly checked out.  I went to lunch with him at Los Tres Amigos to celebrate.  And just like that, it was summer vacation 2024!!!

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