Thursday, September 12, 2024

Happy 12th birthday, Evan!!


This kiddo is 12!!  How is that even possible?!  And he made his own birthday cake from scratch this year, batter and frosting and all!

He had his whole day planned out, which was on Labor Day this year.  We started with a dutch baby that I baked him and he opened one of his presents (incense for his room).  After he ate, we all got ready and went to Three Cedar's Farm for opening weekend of the cider mill.  We had cider and donuts, fed the cows, and shopped in the fabulous Halloween store there.  The boys each got to pick out a pie pumpkin to paint, per tradition.  

We came home and he opened his presents.  His big gift this year from us was a new bat for baseball, but he got a few other small things too.  He played wiffle ball with Sean, Jameson, and Sean's friend, Colin at the park for a while.  Then it was time to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa at Black Rock (his choice) for dinner.  He cooked his own steak on the black stone and we came back to our house for cake, ice cream, and presents from Grandma and Grandpa.  

We celebrated his birthday earlier in the weekend with Scott's side of the family.  It's a combined birthday party for Evan and Mindy.  We had pizza and salad over at Jackie's and had ice cream cake and presents.  It was a nice evening!

At 12, Evan is still his strong-willed, opinionated, passionate self!  He's crazy about electric guitar, Van Halen music, baseball, and all the current lingo teens are saying these days.  He takes guitar lessons once a week at the Plymouth School of Music and got a really cool effects pedal from Eric and Grandma and Grandpa for his birthday.  So, he's creating some cool music.  He's playing fall rec baseball with the Orioles like he does every fall, although this year they opted to be the Rangers.  He also is playing flag football with Sean, Ethan, and Logan on a team that Scott coaches.  He made a new travel baseball team with four other members from his Patriots team and will be on Ice Justice Baseball team this next year.  He's a busy kid!

He's in 6th grade this year at the same middle school as Sean!  Crazy to think he's off to middle school and we've closed the chapter on elementary school.  He's off to a good start and seems to like it! 

He's just shy of 100 lbs and is 5'1".  He wears size 6-7 in shoes, a Youth XL or Adult Small in shirts, and size 14 pants.  He's still quite a picky eater preferring salami sandwiches, buttered noodles, pizza, or breakfast foods.  

We love him something fierce and hope he has a great year as a 12 year old!  Happy birthday, Evan!!

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