Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sean's Alphabet Book!

I've been patiently waiting for a delivery from with a project I started in June after seeing this awesome blog about making a personalized alphabet book to help teach your little one their letters.  After racking my brain over which items to use for which letters, then taking the pictures, then editing them, and finally using to insert the text, it's finally done!

Honestly, the hardest part was finding a website that would allow for the picture to take up the entire page.  I started with Mixbook and was frustrated that it cropped out half of my picture, including the text in most cases.  So, I switched to mypublisher, which was actually the website the girl from the blog used to make hers too.  I should have just listened to her advice in the first place...

Here's how I made learning the letters personal to Sean:

A - Airplane - no surprise there and it was perfect since we just went on one and I had a picture.
B - Bailey - he loves his dog!
C - Crackers - he demands these multiple times a day. Although he doesn't always get them...
D - Dump Truck - he can say truck, so I figured we'd make it more complex by adding dump.
E - Elmo - his first word he ever said (before mama).
F - Fish - he loves fish, thanks to going up north and fishing with Papa.
G - Grandparents - he's still struggling on saying grandma and grandpa, but he'll get it.
H - Happy Feet - it's what we call it when he dances because he just jumps from one foot to the next.
I - Ice Cream - a no-brainer after a summer of listening for the ice cream truck.
J - Jack - one of his first friends.
K - Kiss - he loves to say this word and loves to kiss, so it made sense to me.
L - Library Books - one of his favorite places we go to on a weekly basis.
M - Mud - something he learned ALL about this summer!
N - Nana - an easy one for sure.
O - Ouch! - he says this all the time and he'll probably be looking at his feet for the next year saying ouch.
P - Papa - another easy one.
Q - Quiet - I thought the letter Q would be hard, but he can say it already.
R - Reading - something he loves that we do with him, especially about trucks.
S - Slide - thanks to his daddy's hard work, he has his own slide and loves it.
T - Train - one of his obsessions.  Doesn't help that we hear the train at our house all the time.
U - Ultrasound - I don't expect him to say that word, but what else can you use the letter U for?
V - Vacuum - he sure loves his two vacuums he has.  Yes, two.
W - Water - he still calls it wa-wa, but he loves it!
X - Xylophone - I struggled with X, but daycare claimed he loves this toy, so he'll recognize it.
Z - Zoo - another one of his favorite places we go to.  Although, you can't tell from this picture.

And the finished product that we'll give him on his birthday!

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