Friday, June 21, 2024

Detroit Sports Spectacular

Sean went with Grandpa during one of Evan's baseball tournaments on a Saturday in June to the Novi Showplace to the Detroit Sports Spectacular.  He had goals of meeting some Tigers and Lions players to get their autographs and to get some good baseball/football trading cards.  Grandpa picked him up early and they went at opening.  All of the Tigers players canceled so he decided to pay for meeting Brian Branch, Terrion Arnold, and Kerby Joseph.  

It was very crowded and there were long lines, but he also saw Barry Sanders and Joe Montana set up at their tables.  He did some shopping and had lunch there too.  He was excited to come home and add the cards he bought to his collection.  I think him and Grandpa had a great day together!  Big thanks to my dad for keeping Sean busy while we were at baseball!

Evan's 5th Grade Graduation!

Evan had his 5th Grade "Farewell" Ceremony on Monday, June 10th (the last full day of school) at 10am. They had it all set up outside on the playground and it was a pretty chilly day for June.  I had helped blow up balloons the night before at Andrea's house and came early in the morning to help put the balloon arch together.  It was a labor of love with the wind...

There was a speaker from each of the three 5th grade classes that did a great job.  The kids all performed two songs with Mrs. Kaz as their "spring music concert" and then each teacher read the kids' names to come up and get their certificate.  It was a nice ceremony and lasted less than an hour.  We stuck around for some pictures and then took Evan to lunch at Hermann's (his choice).  Scott and Evan went golfing 9 holes in the afternoon.

He'll be off to middle school in the fall with Sean!  He's excited.  He plans to play the saxophone in the band and eventually run track when he's in 7th grade.  Can't believe we are done with elementary school!  It's been a journey!

Jennifer's Retirement Party - Adios, maestra!

After a really tough couple of years, Jennifer decided she was done teaching and ready to find her next adventure.  I completely understand and respect her decision, but it will be hard.  She's been like a second mom to me.  She was department chair and helped hire me 18 years ago.  In fact, I still remember our phone interview we did in Spanish.  Since then, we've taught next door to each other for 18 years.  She's been a second mom, a friend, a coworker, and probably one of the most generous/kind people I've met.  It hasn't always been easy, but she will be missed!

Kara and I threw her a proper retirement party at Las Palapas and she had a great turn-out!  Lots of family, coworkers, and former students came to wish her well.  The restaurant was even overwhelmed with how many tables they had to add on.  We ate, had drinks, and cake to celebrate Jennifer.

She had her final lunch on the last day of school where our principal acknowledged her retirement and a few others and just like that, she's done teaching!  Congratulations!