Saturday, July 20, 2024

Up North for the 4th

Since Evan had two weekends off of baseball tournaments, we decided to head up north for a full week this year to celebrate the 4th of July with Scott's family.  We knew we wanted to enjoy the lake and family while we could since we have no camping plans this summer.  We left on Sunday afternoon and when we got up to the lake, we ate carry-out dinner from The Hearth and went on the pontoon boat to do some fishing.  Sean and I both caught a fish so it was a success. 

Monday the boys, Scott, Nana and Pops all went golfing 9 holes.  It was nice to have the house to myself (minus the two dogs).  I took them on a long walk and enjoyed reading my book outside.  Everyone got back for a late lunch and some time by the lake.  Nana and Pops had to leave to head back home for a few days so made meatballs and pasta for dinner at the house.  Mindy, Matt, and her boys came up Monday night and we played euchre once the little boys went to bed.  

Tuesday we all went and golfed 9 holes at Lakeside.  It was a chilly day so the kids did some magnet fishing, paddle boat rides, and we built a puzzle.  We went into West Branch for dinner out at Logger's Depot (The Highway was closed).  We ran to Meijer for a few things and then came back for cards again.

Wednesday we enjoyed the lake for most of the morning and early afternoon.  We decided to go into Gladwin to go to the cidery late afternoon and made a stop at the meat market.  Nana and Pops came back up around dinner time with AJ so we grilled sausages from the meat market.  The kids were all happy to hang out together.  We ended the night with a bonfire and s'mores.

Thursday, the 4th of July, was a lake day all day.  Jackie, Josh, and Sydney arrived around lunch time.  Everyone hung out together all day.  Dinner was made by Matt and Mindy.  Friday, for AJ's birthday, it rained on and off.  We enjoyed as much of the lake as we could.  Evan did some waterskiing again with the new waterskis Pops bought.  Jackie made tacos for dinner and we had brownies and ice cream for AJ's birthday.  She opened her gifts and we had a euchre tournament in the evening while the kids made popcorn and watched Back to the Future.

Saturday was the lake fireworks day.  We started by going to the craft show.  We took a boat ride over to the park for the kids to play for a while.  Scott and I made hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner.  We did our own fireworks for a while and then it was time for the lake to put on their show.  It was a fun night!

Sunday was our last full day up north.  The Salings left mid-morning to head home.  We hung out at the lake and late afternoon went into West Branch again for dinner at The Highway.  The wait for a table was quite a while and the kids were hungry so we got them some pizza across the street.  It also took forever for our food to come once we were seated.  So, it wasn't the best experience.  When we got home we walked the dogs and then Pops went to bed.  Monday morning we had to leave by 7:30am to get home in time for some dentist appointments.  We had a great time up north!

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