Sunday, February 26, 2012

11 Weeks!

A few blog friends I follow from post these survey questions weekly on their blogs during their pregnancies, so I borrowed their surveys and figured I'd give this a go:

How far along? 11 weeks

Weight gain/loss: Up 5 lbs. I think.  I don't really know what my "pre-pregnancy" weight was this time since I was trying to avoid the scale.

Feeling: Still having some nausea starting about mid-afternoon - bedtime.  Dinner has been quite a challenge since it's a struggle to find something that sounds good for me.  Cooking...forget it. 

Maternity clothes? Well, I'm either wearing maternity pants, which are too baggy or the bellaband with my regular pants.  The bellaband annoys me to now end because I feel like I'm constantly re-adjusting.

Sleep: If I can stay up until 10pm, weekday or weekend, it's a miracle.

Food cravings: Salty junk food - especially mozzarella cheese sticks!

Movement? Not yet, but I asked at my last OB appointment and he said by 15 weeks I would be feeling it this time around.

What I miss? Being able to cook dinners and have meals planned for the week.  Having enough energy to really enjoy my time with Sean. 

Best moment this week: It was definitely the trip to San Antonio with Scott and his parents!  While the flight there was stressful and I kept myself too busy every day we were there, being able to "escape" for a few days was priceless.

What I'm looking forward to: Getting out of the first tri so that my energy and ability to cook dinner without holding back vomit!

Next Appointment: March 22nd at 3:30pm with Dr. Garcia.  I'll be...14.5 weeks I think.

Milestones: Baby has fingernails - Juno anyone?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Psalm 139: For you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

I almost forgot how wonderful the sound of a beating heart heard from a Doppler was until today when Scott and I sat and listened to Baby Ferstle part dos and it's beautiful heartbeat pounding strongly at 164 bpm...

I started getting the "itch" for another baby shortly after Sean's first birthday.  My logic was I'm already in "baby mode" so we might as well complete our family, have them close in age, and get the whole breastfeeding, diapers, and baby toys out of the way.  It took Scott a little longer than me to warm up to this idea, but after a month of deliberating, he agreed it was the best time.  With the holidays approaching, it was difficult not to drink, but with the possibility of being pregnant I didn't want to risk it.  New Years Eve sober was kind of lame, but it paid off when I got my BFP (Big Fat Positive) a few days later.  Scott was at work since his break was over, Sean was at daycare for the first day in two weeks, and I had the day off to cook toddler food.  I tested when Scott got up to get ready for work, impatiently thought two minutes had passed with a negative result, and hurried up to go back to bed.  I woke up a few hours later, looked at the test from earlier that morning, and almost fainted when I saw two lines.  I knew the risk of an evaporation line from not reading the test within the time limit, so I quickly re-tested with both an internet cheapie and a digital and, again, almost fainted when two lines and the word "Pregnant" came up almost immediately.  I. Freaked. Out.  No one was home to share this with me!  I made a quick decision to call both Trisha and my mom to tell them.  The rest of the day was a blur as I cooked Sean's food, froze it, washed the dishes, and figured out how I was going to tell Scott.  Over the phone didn't seem quite right.  So, I waited until he came home from work, put Sean in a "Big Brother" onesie, tied the positive tests to Scott's favorite 6 pack of beer, and baked Cinnamon Rolls in the oven.  It was quite the surprise!

I started out at a new practice this time since we moved and it wasn't as smooth as I hoped it would be.  To be honest, I didn't feel comfortable and felt that I was still driving a ways to get to the hospital for delivery so I might as well drive all the way back to Royal Oak so I could use my old practice. Back at Somerset OB/GYN after starting this pregnancy in Ann Arbor, I feel so much more comfortable and relaxed. We had a confirmation ultrasound when I was 6 weeks 3 days and we saw the heartbeat! 

Since then I've been battling the exhaustion, which by the way is 10 times worse this time around since I'm running after a non-stop toddler.  He's Mr. Busy these days and I can hardly keep up.  I also was rudely introduced to morning sickness, or afternoon sickness in my case.  Not enough to make me throw up, it's there to nag me from lunch time until bedtime rearing it's ugly head the most around dinner time.  Needless to say, Scott and Sean have been extremely understanding when they come to find dinner is pancakes and eggs or poptarts for me.  It is still going strong and I'm hoping that as my first trimester comes to end, so do these symptoms.  Here's a few snapshots at the quickly growing bump...

With the confirmation from my doctor that it's completely normal to be showing as much as I am this early and the reassurance that I can attempt a VBAC, we breezed through my 10.5 week check-up today.  And my bump from today...a huge difference from last week in my opinion ( I didn't get to use the chalkboard since we were in San Antonio over the long weekend, but a mirror shot will do...):

Well, it's 8:30pm, my new bedtime.  So, I'm off to bed to rest up for another fun-filled day with hormonal teenagers.
Goodnight lil' prune...(the size of baby this week)

Friday, February 10, 2012

My funny Valentine

Sean this morning before his party at daycare.  Enough said.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pinterest Projects Day 1!

I finally had a little bit of down time this weekend to do a few "crafty" things.  I had a list longer than my grocery list for Michael's and Scott was a bit scared when he saw the receipt, but without further ado, here they are:

Those that know me well know that I'm a meal planner.  In fact, it always seems to be a conversation topic when people come over.  They want to look at the schedule for the week.  So, I saw this cool idea on Pinterest for how to better display the menu:

All it took was a 12x12 wooden frame, a piece of scrapbook paper, and scrapbook letters.  I'm waiting to go back to work on Monday to get a dry erase marker from my classroom and then it's officially done!  Here's hoping the paper isn't too busy of a background...

I also had to start giving some thought to what Valentine's Day crafts I wanted to do with Sean or for Sean.  His Valentine's Day lunch/party at daycare is this upcoming Friday and even though we have Elmo Valentine's for all his buddies, I wanted to give something other than candy or snacks.  It just doesn't seem right to be sending 12-24 month olds home with crappy treats they shouldn't be having.  So, again, I saw this idea on Pinterest and got to work:

I took 3 boxes of 24 crayons each, peeled off the paper (that was painful and time consuming), chopped them up into small pieces, mixed them up, and dumped them in a heart shaped silicone muffin pan, and baked them at 250 degrees for 15 minutes.  I let them cool for another 15 minutes.  Now, I just plan to add a heart shaped cardstock cut-out behind the crayon that says, "You color my world", put them in individual baggies with a little notebook I picked up from Target that says things like "I love you" or "Would you be my Valentine?" and he is good to go for his party.  Hope they're a hit!

And that concludes my first two Pinterest projects.  Now on to a few more Valentine related crafts for Sean...