Saturday, April 25, 2020

Coronavirus Quarantine Week 6

I'm trying not to lose count of days or weeks at this point and the Governor just extended our "Stay Home, Stay Safe" order through May 15th.  Breathing deep breaths at this point...

Last weekend the weather improved and we spent it outside as much as we could.  We took a "field trip" to an elementary school to use their field for Sean to practice hitting golf balls and he loved it.  He's missed golf so much!  We read lots of Harry Potter on the picnic blanket in our yard and the kids enjoyed bikes, roller blades, and scooters too.

I took the boys on a long bike ride around Newburgh Lake after they played stomp rockets.  We also splurged and went out to get a Frosty in Wendy's drive-thru.  Yum!

The boys' teachers posted a lot more this past week, which was good!  All the specials teachers posted work and assignments too.  For gym, Evan had to make a sidewalk chalk obstacle course.  While it was fun in the afternoon to do that, the morning was rough with Sean adjusting to the new work load. 

As the week went on, each day got better with Sean though.  The weather was lousy and cold so we didn't get much time outside.  Instead, we exercised inside, built a Western town in the Wild West out of Lincoln Logs we affectionately named, "Wagon Wheel, New Mexico".  Lots of Lego building and watching "America's Funniest Home Videos" or "Are We There Yet" by Nat Geo Kids on youtube to fill our week.

For Earth Day, I had the boys do a Ocean Pollution Sensory Bin that I found on Pinterest.  They learned about how pollution happens and how to clean up the pollution as much as possible.  It was a big hit!

Sean discovered the joys of calling a friend on Messenger Kids from one tablet and playing Roblox with them in the same game on a separate tablet.  He was so excited to just talk to Nevaeh and play with her.

Scott and I also discovered the joys of playing euchre on an app with his mom and dad while talking to them on speakerphone.  Felt like we were up north with them in the summer playing euchre at night!

Comfort food and Marvel movies helped pass our evenings by since it was too cold to go outside.

Evan had a zoom call with his Cub Scout den on Thursday evening.  It was short (thank God), but I think he enjoyed some sense of normalcy being able to do an activity he enjoyed during the school year.

And just like that, Friday came to our rescue with the end of our school and work week and warmer temps!  I took the boys on a bike ride downtown, we put up our hammock and read Harry Potter, we got a carry out from Ironwood and Bigalora, Sean's teacher drove by for a surprise visit to Sean and Nevaeh across the street, and Scott worked on my planter boxes for the backyard deck.  I'd call that a success!

I'm feeling a little bit better about my work load and managing posting assignments and professional development.  The weather forecast looks good for the next 7 days, and I'm feeling like we can manage this.  For now...

Coronavirus Quarantine Week 5

After a nice weekend celebrating Easter, it was back to another week of homeschool.  To add to the mix, my work really ramped up what we needed to put out for our students so the week was spent on one zoom call after another trying to figure out how to implement all the new changes.  But, first, my new rug came for the deck and we enjoyed some warmer weather sitting on the deck!

Okay, back to the work/school week!  We had mold growing on some of the bread from our hygiene experiment a while back so the kids updated their journals with their findings!  They also enjoyed some math games, coding on the chromebook, and creating their own Pokemon cards on a website my friend told us about!

This week we taught the boys how to play Monopoly and Sean kicked our butts twice! 

I attempted haircuts with the boys at home using clippers and scissors while watching a youtube tutorial.  They didn't turn out so bad, but boy was it stressful.  I wish they'd just let me buzz their hair for the time being.

Evan and I baked some of our favorite cookies that may or may not have contributed to my 3 lb gain throughout this quarantine!  Yikes!  They were tasty though!

Our only outings were a grocery store run where we spent a small fortune and to one of the middle schools for a food distribution. 

It pains me to say this, but we had some lousy weather most of the week.  Two different days where we saw snow flurries had us all pretty down in the dumps.  But, we still managed to exercise in the house and get outside when we could.

We ended the week with a birthday zoom call to Nana with Scott's entire family and we let the boys build an epic fort in the living room so they could have a sleepover.  They stayed up watching the first half of Groundhog's Day before they got bored and switched to a Marvel movie. 

Other memorable things from this week were blasting mariachi music during our Taco Tuesday dinner, grilling steaks on our only nice evening, the kids building Legos, receiving a care package from a good friend, snuggling on the couch to watch Marvel movies in chronological order with Scott, a zoom call with work friends for fun, and Disney Singalong night on TV!

On to another week!