Tuesday, November 14, 2023

October Recap...

Man, does October feel like the equivalent of two months or what?  It's one of my favorites, but there's always so much to do with birthdays, Halloween, school events, sports, etc.  I was beat when October came to a close.  Here's a recap of October...

I turned 40.  

It was a nice day spent with family.  I took the day off of work, did a bike ride in South Lyon with Scott and my parents, had breakfast out after, got my nails done, and enjoyed dinner out with Scott and my boys.  

Sean's soccer team played in the Northville Cup and won their division!  It was a cold, rainy night, but it was a cool experience.  

Evan participated in the color run at school and got lucky with a beautiful, relatively warm day for it!

We had Sue's celebration of life in Royal Oak after a busy weekend with Eric's visit, a photo session, and sports.  It was a really nice tribute!

We had a "going away" party for our neighbors who were moving.  We had people over for a pizza lunch and the kids enjoyed one last street hockey game.  I don't know if the boys will more sad over this or if Luna will be.

Sean was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society at school!  There was a really  nice ceremony (despite the speakers not being loud enough) and he received a certificate.  Now to maintain that GPA and get those community service hours...

We celebrated quickly at Bearded Lamb with a root beer for the boys and mug club member beers (I'm now a member!).

All fall sports wrapped up!

I had a clear ultrasound on my thyroid for my 6 month scan!

We had amazing fall colors this year!  Luna really enjoyed her fall walks!

And somehow we managed to squeeze in some quiet evenings too!  Snuggling, watching movies, watching the new Goosebumps series on Disney+, or working on puzzles.  October was exhausted, but good to us.

Spanish Field Trips: DIA and Mexican Town

This year my goal was to incorporate more fun into the classroom!  It's been a tough few years and many things have been on hold or cancelled for these kids.  So, my coworkers and I hit the ground running with planning as many field trips as our administration would allow us.  We started with a Spanish 2 field trip to the DIA for the Ofrendas exhibit.  We took 45 kids and were there for about two hours before heading back to school.  It was a fun, quick visit!

Two weeks later we took 45 Spanish 2 and 3 students on our annual trip to Mexican Town in Detroit for Dia de los Muertos.  We did some shopping at various stores and bakeries, went to St. Anne's to see the ofrendas, and had lunch at Mexican Village.  It was a beautiful, but cold day outside and the kids had a great time.  

My Spanish 3 students made shoebox ofrendas and read a legend about La Llorona.  I did my shoebox this year for Scott's Aunt Sue who died this past summer from cancer.