Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Spring Break Day 8: Clearwater Beach and going home!

Our vacation was quickly coming to a close, as we spent our last full day in Clearwater Beach on Saturday, April 8th.  The weather was much nicer on Saturday since the wind died down and the temperature went up a bit.  We started our day off by going out to breakfast along the boardwalk from our hotel at the cutest little diner called, Maggie Mae's Sunrise Cafe.  We snagged the last big table out on the boardwalk and enjoyed the breeze, the seagulls, and looking out at the gulf.

Evan and Sean?  Well, they enjoyed chocolate chip pancakes and stacks of bacon to start their day.  It was a delicious breakfast!

We came back to the hotel and the kids were anxious to get their bathing suit on and go to the pool.  We decided to start out at the pool and hot tub and try the beach in the afternoon. It was such a beautiful hotel and pool!  It felt so nice to lay out in the sun while the kids swam.

The boys had some chicken tenders from the pool bar before we moved over to the beach for the rest of the afternoon.  We took the golf cart across the street and went to the State Park beach instead of the part of the beach connected to the hotel across the street.  We found a much better deal on beach chairs and an umbrella by going to the State Park.

Some highlights of being on the beach included looking for sea shells, building sand castles, getting buried in the sand, and people watching.  I think we were all trying to soak in the sun and sand one more time before heading back to Michigan.  Planning two days at the beach after doing Disney was probably the best idea!  We all felt pretty rested and refreshed after tons of walking and running around on a tight schedule for 6 days.

We went back to the hotel room late afternoon to let the kids rest and for everyone to get washed up.  We were planning on going to dinner on the main drag at a restaurant called, Jimmy's Fish House and Iguana Bar, and then over to Pier 60 to do some shopping and watch the sunset.  It was a really nice night!

Dinner was good, although we were sitting in the full sun after having been in the sun all day.  The kids were complaining about it, but the adults didn't mind too much since the Mai Tai's helped keep our mind off of it.  The Pier was packed!  The kids enjoyed the play structure and all along the pier were tables and booths set up with vendors selling all kinds of things.  Sean bought a shell where you can hear the ocean and Evan picked a plastic boat to take home and play with.  We bought everyone ice cream and headed out onto the beach for the sunset.  Unfortunately, while trying to take a family picture, my purse disappeared off the beach right.  Luckily, it was two nice older ladies that were worried someone left it behind.  They were only a few feet away from us so after panicking for a minute, I saw it in their hands and got it back.  It was definitely a scary moment, but glad that it was good Samaritans that picked it up!

Then, it was back to the hotel room to put the kids to bed and finish our packing.  Our flight was leaving late morning out of Tampa the following day.  The adults sat around and watched TV, reminiscing on some of our favorite moments from the trip.

It was really hard to say goodbye to Florida, but I'm confident we'll be back soon!  We had an amazing trip and I'm so grateful for all the memories we made together!