Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mid-winter break!

Confession:  I have not worked a full 5-day week since mid-December.

From the beginning of January to the beginning of February, I had 6 snow/cold days off of work, no students on Martin Luther King Jr. day and no students on Records Day (coincidentally on our anniversary this year).

So, where as normally our mid-winter break is a much anticipated four day weekend, this year it was just another couple of days off.  Don't get me wrong!  I'm not complaining.  It just didn't feel as special as it usually does come 6th hour on the last day before break.

But, no worries.  I made sure to plan some really fun and exciting activities with the boys.  Specifically Sean this break.  With Evan on the mend from a cold and then a stomach bug, he stayed home all weekend long and just enjoyed being able to play.  He was spoiled with "Mickey cookies" and Elmo videos, much to his heart's desire.

Sean, on the other hand, was go, go, go!  We started with soccer class on Saturday morning.

He started off real strong, scoring some goals and running after his crazy coach.  But, after they sat in the circle, he was content on just "hanging out".  Translation:  It took multiple trips to the middle of the field for me to bribe, beg, and plead with him to stand up and do what the other kids were doing.  If anything, I feared he would get hurt sitting on the ground while everyone was running and kicking soccer balls around him.

I guess all it really took was him getting to play the "alien in outer space" with the hula hoop.  I guess that's the kind of mood he was in.

A quick stop for lunch and we were off to Gabby's (a friend from school) birthday party at Jungle Java.  I was a little worried that we had to park in the back of the building where the employees probably park.  This place has a tendency to be packed and completely overwhelming.  More so to parents, I think.  But, surprisingly, the full parking lot must have been for the gym next door.

Sean was quite the popular guy at the party.  In fact, he was the only "guy" at the party, but all his little girl friends ran around with him and made him feel quite at home with Doc Mcstuffins cupcakes and princess tiaras.  What a trooper!

Sunday was the day I was worried about the most.  Sean's first ski lesson in ski school.  Did we make the right decision to sign him up at such a young age?  Was a 3 hour lesson too long?  We could only wait and see.

A little unsure of walking in the "heavy" boots, he managed to pose long enough with his skis before parking it on the snow until his class started.

At first it was only him and his buddy, Peyton.  But, 3 other little ones joined in last minute to the lesson.  Five 3 year olds all born in October and 2 instructors.  You do the math.  Chaos.
There he is at the bottom of the hill on the right.
I was shocked that after maybe 15 minutes of getting used to their skis, they were on the "magic carpet" and going down the hill.  And he did it!  Multiple times!  I met up with him about two hours into the lesson as they were going in for hot chocolate and he had reached his limit.  I gave him a big hug, took off his gear, handed him some peanut-butter crackers, and we were on our way.  He told me his favorite part was riding up the "magic carpet" and that next time, he wants me to ski with him.  No problem, buddy!

The rest of our weekend was spent relaxing at home, grocery shopping without kids (!), watching the Olympics, and washing piles of laundry.  Scott and I were even able to watch two movies and get caught up on the DVR!  And now we're back to the grind of work with no break in sight until end of April.  And...a dreaded 5 day work week!

In the meantime, we'll just have to load up our weekends with exciting plans like Scott's birthday this upcoming weekend and a night out!  Then we have our overnight trip to the Great Wolf Lodge in a little over two weeks!  Plus, a 40 degree day today really helped cheer us up!  We actually got outside, played in the snow, and took Bailey for a walk.

Spring is getting close....

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day with my loves...

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sean was waiting for this day all week with bated breath.  It was his Valentine's Day party at school and I was lucky enough to have started mid-winter break that morning so that I could come and sneak in on some of the fun in both of their classrooms.

It sort of reminds me of Halloween.  They come home and can't wait to tear into their bags to see all the cards and trinkets that their classmates gave them.  This year, both boys made out like bandits.  From bubbles and tattoos to puzzles and pencils, they are loaded.  As much as it's difficult on the parents to not be allowed to pass out Valentine's that include treats, it's nice on the receiving end to not have to start World War III over what they can and cannot consume in one day.

The boys were spoiled by mommy and daddy as well.  A new Thomas the Train for Sean and an Elmo book for Evan.

Love was in the air in the "F" household yesterday!  Heart shaped pasta for dinner with homemade garlic bread, snuggles, dancing, and belting out tunes from the Frozen track, my Valentine's Day was complete.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Our February Frenzy!

For most people the winter is a time of solitude.  Staying inside, keeping warm, and reading a good book.  Or something like that.

For us, this month is always crazy busy.  Partially because Scott coaches two middle school basketball teams and their playoffs are one week straight with games every night.  Partially because Scott's birthday and Valentine's Day occur during February.  So, add in making 25 preschool Valentine's, 15 toddler Valentine's, 4 teacher gifts, and gifts for the boys.  Plus, birthday shopping for Scott during some of the coldest days we've had in several winters.  And that's just the start.

We managed to survive from just before Christmas through the entire month of January germ-free.  Seriously.  This is huge for us.  No doctor's visits (except for Evan's vaccines).  No prescriptions.  No ear infections.

Until January 31st when I noticed drainage coming out of Evan's right ear.  Apparently, that's the new sign that he has an ear infection, no thanks to his ear tubes.  Luckily, he only needs prescription ear drops instead of an antibiotic.  And we have those on stock, so should I notice this drainage again, I can avoid a doctor's appointment.  And of course, just when I'm feeling like we might get through this winter without any other major illnesses, Evan gets some random stomach bug this weekend.  It's either a stomach virus or we're getting payback for using Kroger brand soy milk instead of his usual Silk brand.  Washing loads upon loads of laundry and mopping the floor have made for an extra long weekend.

But, on the positive side, Sean started his first class of indoor soccer!  With Scott coaching, I was on my own taking both boys (including Evan who was sick with the stomach bug) to this huge sporting complex, but we survived.
Sean was a little hesitant at first to get started.  Especially since I didn't get to participate.  But, once coach John started running around with him, he was totally engrossed in it!  He ran over a few times for a water break, for a high-five, and to ask if he was done yet.  But, he looked like he was really enjoying himself!  And lucky for me, Evan was content just watching his big brother and watching Elmo on my phone.

Impossible lighting and juggling an umbrella stroller, winter coats, and a toddler holding my new phone made for some crappy pictures, but this one with the smile on his face is by far my favorite!  I can't wait for Scott to be able to see him play in a few weeks when basketball is done.

This week starts playoffs for Scott, evenings on my own with the kids, a day off of work on Friday for me (thanks mid-winter break!), the kids' Valentine's party at daycare, and a weekend full of activities.  Sean's soccer class and a birthday party at Jungle Java for a friend of his at preschool on Saturday and his first time attempting to ski on Sunday at Mt. Brighton.  So many firsts this winter for Sean!!

A midst all this February fun, we are also stoked to have booked a one-night get-away at the Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky in March with Scott's family.  Considering how much fun we had last year at Zhender's, I'm loving this new tradition of going to a new water park in the winter each year.  Also, we are about to book flights for a week in June to take the boys out to Portland to see my brother and sister-in-law.  Scott opted to stay home to work on some home projects (or to have an excuse to have a week completely to himself).  So, my parents are going to come with me and the boys.  We are so excited!

At least the one benefit to being so busy this month is that it's kept our minds off this miserably cold weather.

Happy Valentine's Day!