Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gobble, Gobble Week

We made it!  The most challenging part of the school year is over!  The longest stretch from September 2nd until November 26th without a single day off and we are on to Turkey break, Christmas break, mid-winter break, and the list goes on!  Scott and I breathed a sigh of relief as our "gobble, gobble week" began.  More like waddle, waddle week after all I consumed over the past few days.  But, I'm still trying to be aware of the points adding up with each meal or slice of pumpkin pie.  1 lb. gain over this past week.  I'll consider that a success!

We decided to send the boys to school on Wednesday since we had plenty to do around the house.  Off they went and we turned our house into a Christmas wonderland!  The tree is up, the outdoor lights are on, the stockings are hanging on the mantle, and any trace of fall has been stored away for next year.  It was quite a surprise for the boys when they walked in from school...

I threw together a quick, simple dinner so that we could all lounge around and watch The Grinch (Jim Carey version, of course) and get in the holiday spirit!  And after the boys went to bed, it was time for me and Scott to watch the Karl family tradition of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles on the night before Thanksgiving.

Thursday morning we made some crescent roll egg sandwiches and watched the parade on TV.  One of these years we'll head down there to see it in person, but watching it in pajamas in the comfort of your living room definitely outweighs standing in the cold with two little ones.  Sean made sure to tear apart the newspapers, circling all the toys he wants for Christmas.  Oh boy...the list keeps growing and growing.

Before it was lunch and nap time, we decided to head over to my parents to hang out there until the rest of the family arrived.  It was so nice seeing my aunt and uncle in town from Kalamazoo, my other two uncles, and my grandma who will be 90 on Tuesday!  I think it's been a year since we've all been under one roof together.  

Evan managed to eat some turkey, but loved my mom's homemade stuffing!  Sean, on the other hand, only preferred to eat turkey (with ketchup...) and some carrots.  Evan was quick to stuff down a piece of pumpkin cake my mom made, while Sean ate some gingerbread cookies with hot cocoa.  It's so funny how different their dinner preferences are!

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving flew by so fast!  We looked at the clock at 7pm and knew we needed to get the boys in their pajamas to head back home.  As usual, I ran out to Kmart down the street after the boys were in bed to see if they had any good Black Friday deals.  It's my only shopping chance on Black Friday (well, technically, Thanksgiving).

The rest of the week we spent time going to the Henry Ford Museum, bowling, going to see the lights on Hines Drive, and just lounging around the house.  I was able to finally get out to see my friend's new baby she had back at the beginning of October!  As the break comes to a close, I don't feel as bummed as I thought I'd feel.  With only 3 full week of work until another break and the holidays, I know that there's so much to look forward to, even if I do have to be back at work.  I feel blessed we were able to see as many friends and family members that we were able to this week and I know that we made a ton of memories with the boys!

And now, it's time to focus on a visit from our Elf, Cookie Monster, visiting with Santa, Christmas crafts and baking, showing Sean Home Alone for the first time, and even a ride on the Huckleberry Railroad.  I love this time of year!  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A little pre-holiday cheer!

For the first year that I can remember since I've been together with Scott, the "no Christmas cheer until Thanksgiving has passed" rule has been lifted.  Who can I thank?  Mother nature.  Our January-like weather of cold temps. coupled with snow accumulation has brought on the need to spread Christmas cheer for all to hear.  I'm loving it!  I no longer have to hide my Christmas music obsession nor do I have to decorate my classroom to get my fill of Christmas decor.  I can do it all in the comfort of my home!

Unfortunately, with these cooler temps., we weren't able to put the last round of fertilizer on the grass before the big freeze.  But, we were at least able to get a few good shots in of the boys in the hopes of using one of the photos for our Christmas card before the Winter Wonderland arrived.  We definitely lucked out!  So much so, that I'm even willing to share the picture I'll be using this year.

The timing was impeccable.  Fresh haircuts, no major scrapes or bruises on their faces, and cooperating weather in the 50's.  I even convinced Scott to help me pull this off before the Lion's game started.  God forbid he miss one precious minute of their games.  At least they're having a good season so far!  It might even be worth watching the game on Thanksgiving with him instead of hanging out in the kitchen with my mom and the food prep.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I'm excited to spend the day with my extended family that I haven't seen since Mother's Day and some not even since last year.  As I get older each year, I find myself being more and more appreciative of the holidays for completely different reasons than when I was in my 20's.  The realization that time continues to go by faster as we get older seems to really make me value the time that I get to spend with family and friends, especially on holidays.

My brother was in town this past weekend for a work-related trip.  He extended his trip to stay over the weekend to visit with us.  And, man, the boys were excited!  Sean couldn't sit still for the first half hour Eric was at our house.  Evan decided to be shy and stare him down for a while.  By the time we were at dinner, the boys were fighting over who Uncle Eric would sit next to!

We'll be blessed to have Uncle Eric and Aunt Ana home for Christmas this year, so he'll be back in a month and a half for five crazy days in Michigan!  I'm loving watching the boys interact and find common interests with my brother.  I guess my parents saving Eric's old Transformers in the hopes that one of us would have kids who'd like to play with them worked out.  Sean is obsessed!  Eric and Sean bonded over Transformers.

Transformers are sure to be added to Sean's Christmas list.  Our game plan is set for visiting Santa at the mall.  The holiday cards are ordered.  The boys' Thanksgiving and Christmas outfits are picked out and bought.  I've started my holiday shopping since names have been drawn.  And my "Merry Christmas" Pinterest board is full of ideas, recipes, and crafts! Christmas music is blaring through Pandora right now as I sip a cup of hot chocolate.  Fresh snow is on the ground.  And it feels so victorious to do all of this with Scott in the next room, knowing full-well he can hear the music.  Isn't life so much better when we bend our rules every now and again?

We're ready for you, holidays.  Bring. it. on!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

It's never quite how it seems...

There are times when I sit down at the end of the day and shake my head.  It's hard to not feel overwhelmed.  All it takes is a few negative thoughts that I've somehow let slip into my head and suddenly the sky is falling.  My head feels like it's going to explode with pessimism.   Calling all puppies and rainbows?  I need an intervention.

I could post pictures from a birthday party we went to today (and I will) and make it seem like it was as magical as it looked.  But, that would be a lie.

The truth?  My two rambunctious boys took over the party and made their presence known.  And it wasn't exactly in the best of ways.  The result?  I'm exhausted and I'm totally in that destructive frame of my mind where I start to question my parenting skills, or lack-there-of.

Why are my kids the only ones screaming and throwing tantrums?

Why am I working so hard to keep them entertained and happy when other parents can sit and just be?

Are we going to leave when the party ends or when our kids have made it such that it's time to tuck our tails under our legs and bolt?

Why must they constantly be trying to hurt one another?

Will Sean ever show an interest in coloring/drawing/writing?

Is there light at the end of this tunnel?

Hello?  Anyone?

 I'm constantly reminded that my boys didn't come with an owner's manual where it's all mapped out, phase by phase, age by age.  So, we do what we can.  We keep pushing forward, giving it all we have - both body and mind.  Just when I think I have it all figured out, life gets in the way and throws me a dose of reality.  It's a toss up as to who's learning more here - the kids or the adults.

I'm learning to be patient with their development.  They will learn when they are ready to learn.

I'm learning to lead by example.  I find myself getting on their level and talking to them in a calmer voice, when possible.  Communication is such a struggle when nerves are frazzled and patience is shot.

I'm learning to embrace my boys for exactly who they are.  They are not girls.  They do not always sit still, quietly coloring elaborate pictures in a restaurant.  They are loud.  They are busy bodies, full of energy.  They are physical - throwing, hitting, wrestling, tackling, running, jumping.  They are emotional.   The one who makes the loudest fuss, gets the most attention, right?

Perhaps it's the stress of knowing that it's time to move on to a different daycare/preschool for the boys.  Coupled with the fact that we are surrounded by friends raising girls.  I've never been so aware of how different girls can be from boys until some of our more recent play dates.

Add in the barrage of pictures posted daily on social media of my friend's kids riding a bike without training wheels at 2, excelling at soccer, locating all 50 states on the map, drawing detailed pictures, reading sentences at 4, etc.  Don't get me wrong - I'm just as guilty at posting all of those proud mommy moments on Facebook or Instagram!  At the time, it feels amazing to see and hear your child excel at something.  But, from the other side, the pressure is mounting to do more, see more, teach them more.  When is there enough time to do all these things with our kids?

Speaking of time, tomorrow morning my boys will be up, most likely before 7am, ready to play.  Aside from my 20 minute pity party tonight, I will do my best to push all these fears aside and I will greet my boys with a smile tomorrow morning.  It will be a new day and a new chance to learn and grow right along side them.

We will figure out our daycare situation.

Sean will come around to drawing at some point.

Evan will figure out how to say what's bothering him better instead of screaming his head off.

They will continue to play rough, as boys will be boys.

There will be time-outs.  It will be loud.

But, they will continue to be each other's best friend.

And we just get to be the lucky ones watching that bond every day.