Friday, April 30, 2021

Spring sports are off and running!

 I can't even put into words how exciting it's been to have soccer back for both of the boys with real games!  As we walked up to the field for Sean's first game, I had goosebumps on my arms.  Neither of the boys and neither Scott nor I have complained once about going to practices!  I think we all appreciate so much this small slice of normalcy back in our lives, even if masks are required and social distancing on the sidelines.

Sean has a few new players on his team this season since one moved up to play on Plymouth Reign and a few are out because of spring baseball.  Their first game was home against Canton.  We also had the Pinewood Derby so Sean was only able to play for about 45 minutes of the game.  Right as we were getting ready to leave and pull him out, he scored!  What a great start to the season and the boys won 8-3!

Sean's second game was a weeknight game out in Brighton.  And since it snowed overnight and was hovering around 30 degrees outside, we somehow got lucky and we were able to play in the dome.  It was a tough game with only two subs on our side and despite our boys winning the majority of the game, Brighton scored two goals within a few minutes at the end to win 2-1.  

Evan's team, coached by Scott, is off to a great start too!  They had their first game away in Livonia on a Sunday.  The boys looked fantastic about there!  They played so well together.  Most of the team is returning from the fall of 2019 with the addition of two new players.  They won 5-0.

His second game was this past weekend home against Novi.  Not only did Grandma and Grandpa come out to see him play, but so did his Uncle Matt, Aunt Mindy and his newborn cousin, Luka.  I think they were all good luck charms because Evan scored his first goal of the season and the Avengers won 7-1!  

Evan is also starting baseball and his first game is this upcoming weekend.  He's on his last year of machine-pitch and despite there being a mishap with him playing with mostly 1st graders, his coach is really good and he's thriving!  He's an Arizona Diamondback!  

Should be an exciting weekend of sports!  One baseball game and two soccer games and I'm pumped to be a soccer/baseball mom again!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Happy Easter!

 Last weekend we celebrated Easter with both sides of the family (whoever was able to) at our house, which was really nice!  The weather was amazing all weekend!  

In preparation for Easter we dyed eggs when we were home on Thursday after our trip.  It was pretty uneventful.  We didn't have a special technique this year, just a regular ol' dye kit.  

Saturday we celebrated with Scott's parents.  Jackie and her family were in Colorado on spring break and Mindy and Matt had their beautiful baby boy this same afternoon at 2:30pm!  Welcome Luka!!  Since it was a nice evening we grilled some burgers, had pasta salad, corn, regular salad, and fruit.  Evan and I had made carrot cake cupcakes from scratch including a homemade cream cheese frosting that we enjoyed for dessert.  

Sunday morning the kids were ready to get up and find their baskets by 7:30am.  The bunny did a good job hiding them this year!  The kids took a bit to find Evan's basket.  We made cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.  I did some food prep for later in the afternoon, we took the dog for a walk, and then we all settled in to watch mass on youtube.

My parents came by for a late lunch/early dinner after several days of traveling home from Arizona.  It was so nice to see them!  We grilled steaks from the Eastern Market of Canton and I made cheesy potatoes, homemade mac and cheese, asparagus, salad, and some rolls.  It was pretty darn tasty!  We had more of the carrot cake cupcakes for dessert and the kids had their special cookie the bunny brought them.

We put together an egg hunt for the boys in the late afternoon.  Evan's were hid in the front yard and Sean's were in the back.  The kids had fun looking for them and they were filled with candy and money.  

We had a beautiful Easter with both sides of the family and the boys got pretty spoiled from the Easter bunny and both sets of grandparents.  It felt nice to have this holiday feel a bit more normal than the previous year.